How to set Tags & Attributes directly from User Profile?


Did your user change their email or phone number or another major attribute? If yes, then you can instantly make changes to such User Attributes & Tags from the User Profile

Here's how 👇 

Steps to change Tags & Attributes from User Profile

  • 1

    Open a Chat in History Page or Live Chat

    Go to the 'History' or 'Live Chat' Page & click the chat of the user to whose profile you want to make changes. 

    Open chat in history page
  • 2

    Go to 'Attributes' and click on Edit

    Next, press the Attributes dropdown button and click on edit to make changes to the Attributes. 

    Go to attributes & click edit
  • 3

    Choose/ Create New Tags

    For tags, you can select & add already existing tags. Just choose the tag you want to add and press "Add"

    Also, you can create new tags & add them to the user profile. Click 'Create & add tag' 👉 Add tag name 👉 Press 'add'

    Choose or create new tags
  • 4

    Make the changes and press 'Save'

    Make the necessary changes to the Attributes & Tags & press save. 

    You can change the attributes & tags of all contacts any number of times!

    Make changes & press save in aisensy app

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