How to get started with Welcome WhatsApp Chatbot


WhatsApp Chatbot

A WhatsApp Chatbot is software built out of artificial intelligence for automation purposes. When you signup on to the AiSensy platform, you can set up a Welcome Chatbot on your own so that your customers won't be left waiting when they connect with you on WhatsApp. 

Steps to set up Welcome WhatsApp Chatbot

  • 1

    Signup with Google Account on Google Dialogflow

    To create your Welcome WhatsApp Chatbot, signup on Google Dialogflow  

    Signup on google dialogflow
  • 2

    Setup a Profile & add Agent Name

    Give a name to your WhatsApp Chatbot & set up the default time period & hit "Save"

    Create profilen & add agent name
  • 3

    Setting up Welcome Intent

    Next, let's set up the Welcome intent of the WhatsApp Chatbot. Hit the "Default Welcome Intent" to configure its settings & proceed with the following steps mentioned below 👇 

    Set welcome intent
  • 4

    Add Training Phrase

    In training Phrases, you need to add phrases that you think would be your user's First Message to you. If the message matches the training phrase, the user will receive a response. The training phrase can be anything, from a simple 'Hi', to a Hindi greeting 'Namaste'. Set this up based on your target audience. 

    This brings us to the next part- Setting Up Text Responses👇 

    Add training phrase
  • 5

    Add Text Responses

    You've successfully set Training Phrases. Now, let's set up the response to these training phrases. This will be the response to the message the user sends you. 

    This can be a simple text response such as, "Hi, how can I help you" or a card-based response. Here's how to set up a card-based response 👇 

    Add text responses
  • 6

    Set up Basic Card-based Response

    In Responses, add Google Assistant & then add a Basic Card as shown in the image on the left. 

    Setup basic card response
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    Add information to the Basic Card

    Next, fill the Basic Card with all the details you want to communicate with the user. This includes image, image text, subtitles & much more. 

    If you're adding images, make sure to add 'IMAGE' in the sub-section in Caps. Similarly, if your basic card includes video, add 'VIDEO' in caps in the sub-section. For Docs, add to the sub-section, 'FILE' in caps. 

    Once, you've filled it, press the save button & exit. Now, let's set up for the event if the Welcome Message fails to trigger. 

    Add info to the basic card
  • 8

    Setting up default Fallback Intent

    When a user sends a message different from your welcome intent, a default Fallback intent triggers up. 

    In this step, you'll be setting up Fallback Intent in case the WhatsApp Chatbot doesn't have an answer to the user's query

    In this case, the WhatsApp Chatbot will immediately forward the query to 'Requesting' Chat for human intervention. 

    Setup default fallback intent for chatbot
  • 9

    Create Fallback Response for whatsapp chatbot

    Repeat the same process applied while creating Welcome intent & add a fallback response in case the user sends a message that hasn't been added as a Welcome Intent. 

    However, omit to add anything in training in Fallback Intent. 

    You can choose from any such phrases or create your own. 

    Once you do that, click save!

    Create the fallback response
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