Comparison between Official WhatsApp Business API based platforms & unofficial WhatsApp Bulk Softwares.
Official WhatsApp Marketing Softwares (AiSensy)Official WhatsApp Business API based
Unofficial WhatsApp Marketing SoftwaresUnofficial Softwares
Approved by Facebook
Risk of number getting Blocked
Bulk WhatsApp Broadcasting
Live Chat
Approved by Facebook
Built using WhatsApp Business API
WhatsApp Chatbot
Can you add WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer queries?
Can you integrate with CRMs & Ecommerce Portals like Shopify, WooCommerce, Hubspot to automate notifications for order, delivery, payments etc?
Click to WhatsApp Chat
Can you share WhatsApp Links to get users on WhatsApp
Message Delivery Report
Official WhatsApp Account
Green Tick on WhatsApp
Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
1-click Ads run on facebook & Instagram to drive users on WhatsApp
Clickable Buttons
Call to Action or Quick Reply Buttons clicking which users can redirect to website or landing page
Clickable Links
Can you add clickable links in messages?
100% Delivery rate
Can you monitor Analytics of Broadcast campaigns?
Button Messages
Can you add buttons in messages
Official WhatsApp Marketing Softwares (AiSensy)Official WhatsApp Business API based
Approved by Facebook
Risk of number getting Blocked
Bulk WhatsApp Broadcasting
Live Chat
Approved by Facebook
Built using WhatsApp Business API
WhatsApp Chatbot
Can you add WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer queries?
Can you integrate with CRMs & Ecommerce Portals like Shopify, WooCommerce, Hubspot to automate notifications for order, delivery, payments etc?
Click to WhatsApp Chat
Can you share WhatsApp Links to get users on WhatsApp
Message Delivery Report
Official WhatsApp Account
Green Tick on WhatsApp
Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
1-click Ads run on facebook & Instagram to drive users on WhatsApp
Clickable Buttons
Call to Action or Quick Reply Buttons clicking which users can redirect to website or landing page
Clickable Links
Can you add clickable links in messages?
100% Delivery rate
Can you monitor Analytics of Broadcast campaigns?
Button Messages
Can you add buttons in messages
Unofficial WhatsApp Marketing SoftwaresUnofficial Softwares
Approved by Facebook
Risk of number getting Blocked
Bulk WhatsApp Broadcasting
Live Chat
Approved by Facebook
Built using WhatsApp Business API
WhatsApp Chatbot
Can you add WhatsApp Chatbot to automate customer queries?
Can you integrate with CRMs & Ecommerce Portals like Shopify, WooCommerce, Hubspot to automate notifications for order, delivery, payments etc?
Click to WhatsApp Chat
Can you share WhatsApp Links to get users on WhatsApp
Message Delivery Report
Official WhatsApp Account
Green Tick on WhatsApp
Click-to-WhatsApp Ads
1-click Ads run on facebook & Instagram to drive users on WhatsApp
Clickable Buttons
Call to Action or Quick Reply Buttons clicking which users can redirect to website or landing page
Clickable Links
Can you add clickable links in messages?
100% Delivery rate
Can you monitor Analytics of Broadcast campaigns?
Button Messages
Can you add buttons in messages
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