How Hatke boosted 21x ROI with AiSensy

Hatke reduced their abandoned carts by 25-30% with WhatsApp Engagement Platform AiSensy. Let's tell you how 👇  

Problems Faced by Hatke 😥

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 Hatke is a unique fashion apparel brand offering Posters, masks, phone cases & more tailored specifically to fit the Fashion needs of the youth of today.   

Earlier, they used to face problems including:

 1. Increasing Abandoned Carts - Hatke had high Cart Abandonment on their website. Users who visited their website after clicking on paid ads run by them added products to their cart but did not complete the purchase.   

2. Inefficient Marketing Conversions from Emails & SMS Hatke's Promotional Campaigns run via Emails & SMS had extremely low conversions.   

With just about 20% Open-rate & 2-5% Click-through Rates, Emails & SMS were not the best cup of tea to boost sales for D2C Brands like Hatke. 

3. Siloed Customer Support Hatke had no direct source to communicate with customers in real time. 1:1 Live Chat was not much effective via Website Chat!  

4. Personalization Goal wasn't achieved 

Hatke realized that personalized customer relationships were important to keep customers happy & engaged with the brand.   

Sending personalized emails & SMS did not have an efficient enough ROI for Hatke. They were unable to achieve their personalization goals via Emails, and SMS.  

How AiSensy Helped Hatke overcome these Problems?⚡️

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    25-40% Abandoned Carts Recovered

    Many users added products to their cart but did not complete the purchase. 

    To solve this Dilemma of Abandoned Carts, AiSensy set up WhatsApp automation that triggered an Abandoned Cart Notification 15-20 minutes after a user added a product to their cart & didn't complete the transaction. 

    This strategy helped Hatke recover 25-40% of Abandoned Carts

    The Hatke Abandoned Carts Recovered
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    Broadcast Promotional Offers to Unlimited Users in One Go

    Hatke uses AiSensy to send promotional offers to users on WhatsApp. Using AiSensy, they send Marketing & promotion messages to as many users as they want in one go! (Unlimited Users). 

    Fact: The Broadcast is sent even to Users who didn't add Hatke to their contacts!

    Promotional messages on whatsapp
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    Automate Order & Delivery Updates on WhatsApp

    Hatke now uses WhatsApp to send Order Confirmation & Delivery Updates to users. 

    The users need not check their email/SMS to view these confirmations. They receive these updates instantly on WhatsApp. 

    If they have any queries related to their product, they can simply send a WhatsApp message from where a Hatke agent will answer their query.  

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    Solve for Customer Support on WhatsApp

    On WhatsApp, Hatke was able to solve customer queries in real-time with AiSensy's intuitive 1:1 Live Chat Option. 

    With AiSensy's intuitive Live Chat Dashboard & multi-human Live Chat Support, they were able to solve multiple queries instantly, substantially increasing Customer Satisfaction.

    Hatke provides customer support on whatsapp

Results achieved by Hatke

Folks at Hatke were Content with the results from AiSensy's WhatsApp Marketing Solutions. 

They accomplished:

1. 25-40% Abandoned Cart Recovery - 3-5x Higher than what they recovered with emails & SMS. 

2. 3x more Engagement on Promotional WhatsApp Broadcasts - With 98% Message Read Rate & 45-60% Click-throughs.   

3. Unmatched Customer Support Solutions - By providing 1:1 Live chat to users on a platform where they are most active; WhatsApp.

We are helping Brands grow effortlessly on WhatsApp

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Grow with AiSensy

 Do you feel like this is something you want for your Business as well?

If you wish to see actual efforts from your Marketing Campaigns, get started with WhatsApp Marketing via AiSensy.