How to cancel your AiSensy subscription?

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How to cancel your AiSensy subscription?

Having problems with your current AiSensy subscription plan? 

If at any moment you wish to cancel your AiSensy subscription plan, you can do it easily in just three simple steps. 

In this article, we'll tell you how to cancel your AiSensy subscription.

Note: After cancellation, your plan will continue to work till the term ends i.e. till the date of final payment. No refunds will be made on cancelled plans. 

Things to know before cancelling your plan

  • Ending your AiSensy subscription doesn't automatically delete your WhatsApp Business API account. You'll still need to downgrade your WhatsApp Business API to go back to using the normal WhatsApp App.

  • The data in your account will still be there till you downgrade your WhatsApp Business API number. But, once you downgrade your WhatsApp Business API number, all your data will be permanently deleted & can't be restored.

  • The plan will continue to work till the next billing date. E.g. - Your monthly plan activates on 3rd Jan 2023 & you cancel your subscription on 23rd January. The plan will continue to work till 3rd February after which your subscription will end.

  • No refunds will be issued for cancelled subscriptions. Once your plan expires, the WhatsApp Conversation Credits in your account will also expire. Make sure to use them before your subscription ends.

  • All pending payments in your AiSensy account must be settled before you can cancel your plan.

  • You can reactivate your subscription anytime. If you have downgraded your WhatsApp API by then, you'll have to re-apply for the WhatsApp Business API

How to cancel your AiSensy Subscription?

  • 1

    1. In Manage, go to Billings & Usage

    To cancel your AiSensy Subscription, you first need to go to Manage & click on Billings & Usage.  

  • 2

    Scroll down & click Cancel Plan

    Now, scroll down on Billings & Usage page & click Cancel Plan as shown in the below image.  

  • 3

    Press 'Confirm'

    A pop-up will appear re-confirming if you really wish to cancel your AiSensy Subscription. Press Confirm to cancel your Monthly/ Yearly plan. 

    Note here that since all AiSensy plans are pre-paid, your plan will continue to work until the term ends which in the below case is 5 November 2023


Contact Support

 If you still have any queries, you can connect with our support team here.