How to use Live Chat Page without WhatsApp Chatbot?

Live chat

AiSensy's Live Chat Page is the one-stop destination to receive & respond to all WhatsApp Chats. This tutorial is all about how to optimally use the Live Chat Page without the WhatsApp Chatbot in place.

  • Clipboard
    How are Chats Organized without Chatbot?

    1. Requested- Chats that need customer agent intervention
    2. Intervened- Chats that have been intervened by Live Chat Agent.
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AiSensy Live Chat Glossary


Man (1)

 The User-profile summarizes all the information you need to know a user's intention to connect & send them relevant broadcasts & messages. 

Customer journey (1)

 Customer Journey tracks all the actions exchanged between your agent & customer. 

Attribute (1)

  The attributes are considered as the qualification parameters such as Email, Country, Organization name based on which the Chatbot will suggest suitable products 

Tag (2)

  Tags are the qualifying parameters that agents can assign to the users on the basis of their interaction with the business. E.g. Broadcast Tag, First Message Tag 

How to interact with customers using Live Chat without Chatbot

  • 1

    User sends you a text on WhatsApp

     Whenever a customer messages you, the chat transfers to Active Chat handled by the WhatsApp Chatbot. 

    But, in this case, the chat will directly go to the 'requesting' section. 

    Thus, you can only interact via human intervention without WhatsApp Chatbot in place.  

    User sends message on whatsapp
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    Live Chat Agent Intervenes the Chat

    Without WhatsApp Chatbot, conversations are only possible through Live Chat. 

    Upon Intervention, your user & Live Chat Agent can talk in real-time. This enables your agent to provide answers to the user's query!

    Live chat agent intervenes
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    Click 'Resolve' upon completion of query

    The agent that intervenes the chat is the only one who can view the Chat. So, upon successfully resolving a query, ask your agent to click the 'Resolve' button so that the chat is visible to everyone. 

    24 hours after the last conversation with the user, the chat will go to History Page. 

    Click resolve upon completion
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    Add/ Edit User Attributes


    So, your agent successfully answered the user's query. But, while answering the query, they discovered that the user's email id had changed & wanted to save the new email ID. 

    The attributes section in User Profile allows your agent to update the user's Email ID in the User Profile.

    Edit user attributes
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    Adding/ Editing Tags

    There are 2 Types of Tags: Automated & Manual Tags.

    Automated tags include "First Message Tag", "API Tags", "Broadcast Tags". 

    Manual Tags are added by you or your live chat agents. Assigning tags to users is really simple. First, configure all the tags that are relevant to your use case from Tags Category in Manage Section.  

    Next, your agents can click the drop-down button as shown in the image on the left & manually allot the tag to a particular user. 

    Edit tags
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    Monitoring a user's Customer Journey

     Customer journey keeps a track of all the events exchanges between the Agent and the User. 

    For example, which Agent intervened in the chat, which agent added which tag, what all campaigns have been sent to the user and so on and so forth. 

    Moreover, the date and time of each event are also mapped.

    Customer Journey gives you a proper idea of a user's intent & helps you send them better campaigns & template messages that lead to conversions,.

    Monitor customer journey

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