Tule Interactive reached 1000s of users instantly via AiSensy

 Tule Interactive drives growth for them & their clients with AiSensy by sending Bulk Broadcasts, Lead Generation & Customer Support on WhatsApp.

Bulk Broadcast to 1000s of users

Tule Interactive drives Business Growth by sending Bulk Broadcast to thousands of users in one click. 

Save Time & Money

They save time & money by handling all business processes including Marketing, customer support, automation & more; all in one place. 

Problems Faced by YDS Studio😥

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Tule Interactive is a Social Media Marketing agency helping businesses grow with sales funnel & marketing automation. 

Before onboarding AiSensy, they faced problems such as:

1. Numbers got blocked on WhatsApp - Tule Interactive did not have the official means to send Bulk WhatsApp Broadcast. They found numbers were getting blocked for them & their clients with other unofficial softwares. 

Hence, they were on the lookout for official software solution for WhatsApp Bulk Broadcasting. 

2. No platform for WhatsApp Automation - Tule Interactive needed to send automated notifications for Webinar Reminders, Ticket Confirmations, Order Confirmation & more. 

But, they did not have the right tool & platform to enable automated notifications on WhatsApp.

3. Inefficient Marketing Conversions from Emails & SMS - Amongst the rising competition, Tule Interactive found that their Promotional Campaigns run via Emails & SMS had extremely low conversions.

With just about 20% Open-rate & 2-5% Click-through Rates, Emails & SMS were not the best cup of tea to boost Business Growth. 

4. Siloed Customer Support - The team at Tule Interactive found themselves burdened with a lot on their plates as they had to handle customer communication on multiple social channels rather than on one single platform.

How AiSensy Helped Tule Interactive overcome these Problems? ⚡️

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    1. Broadcast Offers to Users in One Go

    Tule Interactive uses AiSensy to send Broadcasts & promotional offers to thousands of users on WhatsApp in one go. 

    With AiSensy, they were able to Broadcast notifications to thousands of users in a single click (only to opted-in users)

    Having over 98% open-rate, they found WhatsApp to be the perfect platform to connect & pitch to potential clients.  

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    2. Automate Notifications & Updates on WhatsApp

    Tule Interactive used AiSensy to send automated notifications for Webinar Confirmations, Ticket Confirmation & reminders to users. 

    They also onboarded their Ecommerce clients to the AiSensy Platform to help them automate useful notifications for Abandoned Cart recovery, Order Confirmation & more. 


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    3. Solve for Customer Support on WhatsApp

    On WhatsApp, Tule Interactive's team was able to solve customer queries in real time with AiSensy's intuitive 1:1 Live Chat Option. 

    With AiSensy's intuitive Live Chat Dashboard & multi-human Live Chat Support, they were able to solve multiple queries instantly, substantially increasing Customer Satisfaction. 

    Using AiSensy helped relieve the pressure on their team & made their life easier. 

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Results achieved by Tule Interactive

Folks at Tule Interactive were happy with the results from AiSensy's WhatsApp Marketing Solutions. They were able to drive:

1. Business Growth - By sending Bulk WhatsApp Broadcast officially & automating notifications on WhatsApp.

2. Unmatched Customer Support Solutions - By providing 1:1 Live chat to users on a platform where they are most active; WhatsApp.

3. Saved Money & Time - By automating notifications for Webinar Reminders, Ticket Confirmations & more.

We are helping Brands grow effortlessly on WhatsApp

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Grow with AiSensy

 Do you feel like this is something you want for your Business as well?

If you wish to see actual efforts from your Marketing Campaigns, get started with WhatsApp Marketing via AiSensy.